Rules and regulations

Kerala Orthopaedic Association consists of Orthopaedic surgeons belonging to (or) practicing in Kerala. The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st February to 31st January of the ensuing year.


The membership of the Association shall be open to Orthopaedic Surgeons with MS/D.ortho/DNB or equivalent recognized by MCI with full voting rights
Associate membership can be given to post graduate students in Orthopaedic surgery and doctors having basic qualifications in allied specialties, but they will have no voting rights


Life membership Rs.2500/- payable as a single installment with increment of Rs.100/- every year, Associate membership RS.300 per year shall be paid before AGM every year with increment of Rs.25/- every year. Once the AGM is over all associate memberships which are not renewed stands cancelled. All increments start after the AGM every year in January.

Term of office

Secretary, Treasurer & Chairman Long term planning -3 years
Travelling fellowship chairman, Journal Editor & IT Secretary—2 years
President, President Elect, Vice President & Joint Secretaries – 1year

  • Each member can offer himself for re-election, but no member shall hold office for more than three consecutive years in the same post.
  • The immediate past president, past secretary& past treasurer will be ex-officio members of the executive with full voting powers.

Quorum for the executive meeting shall be 10 members. Quorum for the General Body meeting shall be 40 members or 20% of the total members on rolls which ever is less.

  • a. The Executive Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year and the General Body shall meet at least once a year.
  • b. Minimum of 10 days notice shall be given for a meeting of the Executive Committee.
  • c. A minimum of 20 days notice shall be given for a General Body meeting and the agenda must be circulated along with the notice of the General Body.
Special Meeting

A special meeting of the executive shall be convened by the Secretary (or) President on written request by at least three members of the Executive Committee.
12. Matters needing urgent decision by the executive body can be decided upon by circulation of correspondence amongst the members.


Post of the office bearers falling vacant during the year shall be filled in by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee. The members so nominated shall hold office for the unexpired term of office.

Duties and Powers of Office Bearers

Shall co-ordinate supervise and direct the activities of the Association. He shall preside over the meeting of the Association. In the absence of the President, vice-president or President Elect or, if unavoidable, any other member of the Executive Committee shall be elected adhoc to preside over the meeting.
He will be the returning officer for the annual election of the office bearers.
He shall officiate for the President in his absence. If the president ceases to hold the office during the term, the Vice-President will become the President for the remaining term.
He shall execute the decisions of the Executive and the General Body. He shall keep the members informed through the press, letter, circulars etc. about the decisions, proposals and information regarding the various activities of the Association. He shall organize various academic activities of the Association. He can depute any member of the executive or General Body as convener for a teaching or academic course. He shall be responsible for safe keep of properties and records of the Association. The Secretary is accountable to the executive and General Body. He shall be responsible for publishing the newsletters of the Association. Secretary will present the annual report to the Executive Committee and General Body.
Shall assist the Secretary in all activities and in the absence of the Secretary one of them shall take over all functions and duties of the Secretary as directed by the president.
(f) Editor shall be responsible for publishing the Journal of the Association.
(g) To meet the expenditure connected with holding of a conference, teaching course, symposia and other activities, the Secretary, organizers, conveners etc. are empowered to collect money towards delegate fees or registration, or donation or advertisements. The allocation of the above funds shall be decided by the Executive. Such amounts collected shall be in the name of the Association and properly accounted for.
He shall keep accounts of the Association and will be responsible for safe keep of money and its records. The treasurer is accountable to the Executive and the General Body. He shall present the accounts to the Executive Committee and the General body.
The treasurer shall keep with him an amount not exceeding Rs. 5000 for contingent expenditure. FD’s shall be deposited in scheduled banks in Kochi in Association name. The rest of the funds shall be deposited in a bank in the name of the Association. He shall be empowered to draw further amounts as and when required from the bank.
He shall be in-charge of all the academic and scientific activities of the association & KOA District Club Relationship committee. With the ratification of the executive committee he can co-opt a committee to assist in the activities of the long term planning committee.
He shall be responsible for the selection of candidates from the registered life members of the association for fellowships that will be disbursed by the association. The existing fellowships and those that may be added on in future will be included in his responsibilities.
(l) Hon. Secretary & Hon. Treasurer have the power jointly to start and operate bank accounts in the name of the Association in consultation with the President.

  • All accounts relating to conferences, symposia, teaching seminars etc. connected with the Association and organized by various sections and persons for the association shall be submitted by the respective organizers to the executive. Accounts shall be submitted with in three months and the balance money if any to be transferred to the association account as early as possible in any case not later than six months.
  • Amendments or addition to the rules framed to this constitution shall be voted in the General Body Meeting and carried by 2/3 majorities. No amendments of the provisions here of shall be made with out the prior approval of the commissioner of the income Tax, Cochin.
  • The income and property of the association howsoever derived shall be applied solely towards promotion of the objects of the association as set forth in this memorandum and no portion there of shall be paid or transferred directly or by way of dividend bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to any of the members of the society provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith as remuneration to an officer or servant of the association who may also be member thereof in return for any work done or services actually rendered to the association, nor prevent the payment of interest at a rate of not exceeding 12% per annum on money borrowed from any member of the association.
  • Separate sub-committees like benevolent fund committee, fellowship committee etc. may be appointed by the General Body and rules and regulations for such committees shall be framed by the General Body.
Dissolution of the Association

If in the event of winding or dissolution of the trust at any time, there remain any excess of assets, after satisfaction of all its departments and liabilities, such excess of assets shall be transferred to any institution or Trust having objects of a charitable nature and as similar to the objects herein as possible or vest with the Government.

Appoinments of Auditors

Auditors shall be appointed at the annual general body meeting of the association.

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