Presidential Message


Respected KOA Members and dear Friends,

My vision is to increase the visibility of Kerala Orthopaedic Association and to be a force in Academics, Strength and Leadership in India by 2030.

For this we have to empower our younger generation of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Now we have around 1700 members and I see lot of talents in our younger greneration both in academics, surgical skills and leadership. But all are not getting equal opportunities. So under KOA we should train young Orthopaedic surgeons in teaching and thus maximise the opportunities for the upcoming surgeons to learn.


So, I have kept Presidential theme 2024 as “Train to Teach and Teach to Train”, Building a Strong Association by Academics, Friendship and Leadership.

For this purpose we started the KOA Instructional Webinars every month from each district on 3rd Tuesday involving all young surgeons who are willing to give a shot at teaching. Each member can apply to KOA to be a faculty and we can find excellent talents who can be given opportunity in our annual conferences.

Its our pride that you our women Colleagues choose to be in a speciality which is occupied mostly by male Orthopaedic surgeons. Of late there is a surge in women entering more into this speciality. Seniors among them would have fought very much to survive. We have to make it easier for our junior and future women Orthopaedic Surgeons and to establish them amongst the top in Orthopaedics.

So, Women Orthopaedic Wing, Kerala Orthopaedic Association, WOW KOA.

Technology is taking the whole world for a ride and so also our specialty. Many surgeons have embraced it already in the form of robotics etc but most of us can’t afford it now. So KOA has already started efforts in this direction & we are planning to spread the knowledge of how to utilize technology in cheaper ways. For example how to do 3D printing, use of AI in Orthopaedic practice and learning.

We also have to focus on the membership in IOA from Kerala to be a decisive force at the national level.We are having academic activities every week in Kerala during this year.

First International Conference of Kerala Orthopaedic Association called KOA International Conclave is being conducted in 1st week of June 2024.

We are hosting 2 national conferences this year Pelvi acetabular from 19th  to 21st April 2024 at Kochi and IFASCON from 22nd to 24th August 2024 at Kochi and the OASISCON 2024 at Palakkad from 30th August to 1st September 2024.  We have natural teachers, natural surgeons, and people who always work in pursuit of others happiness. We need to bring all these into our leadership. Leaders are those who bring up leadership under them. And we need such Leaders to come up and help this association to go to greater heights.

Dar ke agee jeet hai, Success is not a destination its a journey to perfection.

I request the support of all members to take Kerala Orthopaedic Association to the next level at the national stage during this year.

Thank you

Prof. Dr. Aneen Nambikutty